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We do our best to protect our Planet by all means

First of all, we eagerly await robots and artificial intelligence to create miracles for humanity as soon as possible. We established the Sunday Robotics brand and our products to accelerate and support this process. However, the energy consumed by AI activities and robotic applications is increasing exponentially, posing a growing environmental risk to our planet. 

Let's make them consume less

We aim to contribute to minimizing this energy consumption and ensuring it is used in the most efficient way possible. To achieve this, efficiency must be maximized both in the generation and distribution of electrical energy and in its utilization within electronic and power systems. Fortunately, the Sunday Robotics team is experienced on both fronts and is working intensely to address this challenge.

More info about our Distributed Renewable AI project will be here soon..

We are environmentally responsible

Secondly, on the side of our efforts and productions, we source the components of our products from environmentally responsible suppliers, choose materials that are healthy and made from recycled resources. We will be purifying the water we use, and generating our electricity from solar energy.